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Frequently Asked

What is digital scrapbooking?

Digital scrapbooking involves using digital tools and software to create digital layouts that resemble traditional scrapbook pages. Instead of physical paper, photos, and embellishments, digital scrapbooking uses digital images, graphics, and text.

What software do I need for digital scrapbooking?

There are various software options available for digital scrapbooking, including Adobe Photoshop, Adobe Photoshop Elements, Corel PaintShop Pro, and various free alternatives like GIMP and Canva.

Do I need to be tech-savvy to start digital scrapbooking?

While some basic computer skills are helpful, you don’t need to be extremely tech-savvy. Many software options offer user-friendly interfaces and tutorials to help beginners get started.

Where can I find digital scrapbooking supplies?

You can find digital scrapbooking supplies on various websites, online marketplaces, and even in dedicated scrapbooking communities. Some sites offer freebies, while others have paid kits and elements. Our store carries a variety of digital scrapbooking kits and products that you can purchase which you can see here

What are digital scrapbooking kits?

Digital scrapbooking kits typically include coordinated sets of digital papers, embellishments, and sometimes templates. These kits make it easier to create cohesive and visually appealing scrapbook layouts.

Can I use my own photos for digital scrapbooking?

Yes, you can use your own photos to personalize your digital scrapbook layouts. Importing your photos into the software allows you to arrange and edit them within your designs.

What are the specifications in terms of size and quality for the digital products available at That Scrap Shop?

At That Scrap Shop, all products are meticulously crafted at a resolution of 300 dots-per-inch (dpi), ensuring high-quality output. The papers offered measure 12 inches in width and 12 inches in height, formatted as JPG files. Our additional supplies, such as elements and cards, are generally provided as PNG files, featuring transparent backgrounds that facilitate seamless layering over other materials. For your convenience, templates are tailored to the dimensions specified in the product descriptions, commonly supplied in PSD, TIF, and PNG formats. As with any purchase, we advise reviewing the individual product descriptions for precise and detailed information.

Can I print my digital scrapbook pages?

Absolutely! Many people choose to print their digital scrapbook pages to create physical albums or art pieces. You can print them at home or use a professional printing service.


Are there tutorials available for learning digital scrapbooking techniques?

Yes, there are plenty of tutorials available online. You can find video tutorials on platforms like YouTube, written guides on blogs, and even courses that teach various digital scrapbooking techniques. You can start on our blog here

Can I share my digital scrapbooking projects online?

Yes, you can share your digital scrapbooking projects on social media, personal websites, or within scrapbooking communities. It’s a great way to showcase your work and connect with others who share your interests.

Is digital scrapbooking cheaper than traditional scrapbooking?

Digital scrapbooking can be more cost-effective in the long run, as you don’t need to purchase physical supplies like paper, adhesive, and embellishments. However, the initial investment might include purchasing software and digital kits.

Can I edit my digital scrapbook layouts after creating them?

Yes, one of the benefits of digital scrapbooking is the ability to edit your layouts even after they are created. You can easily make changes to elements, photos, and text without damaging the original design.

Are there copyright considerations for digital scrapbooking?

Yes, it’s important to be mindful of copyright when using digital elements, especially if you’re sharing your projects publicly. Some elements might have usage restrictions, so always check the terms of use for any digital kits you use.

Remember that digital scrapbooking is a creative and flexible hobby, so don't hesitate to experiment and have fun while creating your digital layouts!